our reach

Responsive service no matter where you are

Located in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Design Sense Graphics & Web has a reach that extends well beyond the Western Australian Goldfields. From Esperance in the south east to Broome in the north west, and even in the eastern states, we provide quality graphic design services. We also have several clients in the Perth metropolitan area.

We understand the difficulties of living and working remotely and so are keen to assist businesses in small regional communities who have no access to the services we offer. The use of technology allows us to communicate effectively via phone, email and teams, so contact us today to find out how we can assist you.

more about design sense:

Design Sense Graphics & Web Testimonials

what our clients are saying...

Thanks Kristen, I love it. That's exactly what I was hoping for.

Vicki, Jarahfire Drilling

what our clients are saying...

What a place to start! Its great!!!! I love the photography you have used in there.. works well. The wording is excellent, seem to cover off on everything we need to say.

Allyson, J&S Mine Management


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8 Holmes St. Boulder WA 6432     |     (08) 9093 3376     |