The key elements of symbol, text, style and colour create an image that represent your service, ethos and values and also appeal to your target market. Unique logos which stand out in their creativity, originality and often simplicity will capture the attention of a media saturated society and help identify your brand in the market place.
We see this first step as an investment in the professionalism and longevity of your brand. We are passionate about ensuring that emerging businesses get the best start possible to give them a competitive edge right from the beginning, rather than relying on a cheap online solution that other businesses may already be using! If you are serious about your business, organization or even community event, great graphic design will make a difference!
It's also important that your logo is used consistently across all items of stationery, signage, uniforms, marketing and online applications. Once we have created your logo, we can then design everything else you need, to ensure your brand is professional.
Logo access, copyright & registrationGraphic design companies have different policies about giving clients access to their logo. At Design Sense Graphics & Web, we believe it is important for you to have your logo to use. We will supply the logo in a range of formats, either via email or on a usb. You will be able to place this into stationery and documents as required. Where do I start? Logo preparation & the process involvedIt is a good idea to put some thought into your logo before you meet with us at Design Sense Graphics & Web. We will cover the following areas when we meet with you to discuss your logo design. |