
Design Sense Graphics & Web Design

Different Logo (Image) Formats

When your logo design is complete, you will be supplied with a selection of different image formats. This article outlines the most common formats and their different applications.

Format File Extension Application


.jpg or .jpeg

JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) is one of the most well-known image formats. JPEGs are made up of pixels that can lose resolution if the image is enlarged, but is suitable for use in general documents with programs such as the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Powerpoint etc.) or on the web. JPEGs have a white background, and therefore a white box will be seen around the logo if the image is placed on a coloured background.



A PNG (Portable Graphics Network) operates in the same way as a JPEG in that it is also made up of pixels. An advantage of PNGs is that they can have a transparent background. They are more commonly used on the web, however they can also be used with the Microsoft Office suite.



An EPS is a vector graphic, meaning that the image can be enlarged greatly without losing any image quality. This format should be supplied to graphic designers and signwriters for high-quality and large scale print purposes. Suppliers of uniforms and promotional merchandise may also request an EPS.

Note that you probably will not be able to open an EPS on your own computer, as it requires specialised software to do so. You can, however, attach the file to an email or copy it to another form of media (CD, USB) to pass on to someone else.

Image Size & Quality

Different applications also require image files of different resolutions. If your logo is to be used in an email, on a website or to be viewed on a screen, it only needs to be a resolution of 72 DPI (dots per inch) , and therefore can be compressed to save bandwidth & server/hard drive space. An image intended for print purposes needs to be at least 300 DPI.

Obtaining your Logo Formats

On completion of your logo, you will be provided with your logo in these common formats either via email or on a USB drive. If you lose these files or require an alternative format, Design Sense Graphics & Web can provide you with these files upon request. A minor fee may apply.

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